Profile Suggestions?
Tips or ways to improve your profile? What makes a profile stand out from the crowd? How personal should you get and what should you include or leave out?
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Comments (194)
Eejit69 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 11:32AM
Like so many things on here, one size isn't going to fit all. The profile is the shop window, hopefully initiates some interaction. Like a CV it only gets you that initial interview, but it's a crucial step and needs to be something that can assist a conversation or have some relatable talking points.
Off the comments below, I'm inclined to add "drama and bunny boilers are welcome" to mine! At least I could blame that for when messages dry up (I'll even provide the bunny).
Not sure how anyone else feels, but I do constantly feel a need to update if it feels like there isn't the traffic. Horses for Course
1100888 - 24 Mar, 2023 - 11:09AM
Even a well written profile (I think mine is a break from the norm) and a unique profile picture does not necessarily mean greater response.
With spelling and grammar people are too fickle. You can have a PhD in Astrophysics but spelling/grammar can be terrible (and is often the case)
Put something in that can be a talking point, but if you feel a conversation is not going in the direction you want it to, steer it in the direction, don't just ghost. The person you are chatting to maybe a little shy or being very careful not to push a conversational boundary which you actually want to push.
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1587581 - 17 Mar, 2023 - 08:31AM
This is an interesting thread, I'm glad I stumbled across this place.
I'm new here this week and it's been a steep learning curve, I'm a little outside the usual demographic of this place it seems. In so much as I'm not looking for just sex but some sort of part time relationship too. I'm living in slightly unusal circumstances for someone my age (53).
Anyway I'm still trying to figure out many of the acronyms and the double meanings behind what people say they want to what they actually want. It's interesting.
I also have a habit of oversharing....I know I do it. If I could do something about it I would!
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FluffyClouds - 07 Mar, 2023 - 08:47PM
Those saying they are looking for 'no drama' are, on the whole, the ones to avoid. They do want everything their own way and any thought or opinion you have doesn't count.
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1447655 - 07 Mar, 2023 - 07:16PM
Sunnyside and Becks - Yeah..."don't want any drama".
Really, but why? I mean, I find the gruelling hamster-wheel of modern life just not quite stressful enough. What i really want is a daily rollercoaster of cortisol that has me gulping down the gaviscon. Yeah, that's exactly what my life needs.
And the expectation that all women are "bunny boilers". Oh please, you'd be fecking lucky if I boiled your bunny mate!
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Paula99 - 07 Mar, 2023 - 04:37PM
I think we need a list of what not to say?
Batman by night ????
Will someone explain that to me 😊
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1408586 - 07 Mar, 2023 - 01:24PM
Agree @silversideup1
I read that again as them wanting everything on their terms only- you having an opinion and boundaries is ‘drama’
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1581571 - 07 Mar, 2023 - 01:08PM
@Lorelai, thanks for pointing that out. Another favourite one seems to be the "don't want any drama". Who does?? Starts to grind after the fifth time reading it.
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Paula99 - 07 Mar, 2023 - 11:38AM
With all the modern gadgets you have the ‘spell check ‘ which does the job for you but automation removes the senses …because you don’t have to anymore ..
In my day we learned the grammar and how to spell and it sticks with you forever …Yes we do forget as we get older but there are no spelling or grammar checks today …☹️
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1494077 - 07 Mar, 2023 - 08:52AM
English is my second language. Typos are unavoidable, but if a person with a purported PhD doesn’t know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’, it’s really going to bug me 😏
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