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Profile Suggestions?

Tips or ways to improve your profile? What makes a profile stand out from the crowd? How personal should you get and what should you include or leave out?

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Comments (194)

1483842 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 09:00PM

Lorelai Gilmore - 26 Feb, 2023 - 02:16PM

Funniest thing I've read in months

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1483842 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 08:56PM

Totally agree with you. Be honest be open and talk of what you really want. Write down on a pad before writing your profile too. Your profile is your first impression. Windows to the soul if you like. Personally I don't need to know whats lacking in your marriage or that hou have a ferrari or a large penis. I need to know what makes you tick, what pleasures you, what you want to gain out of an affair, what type of affair do you want? What you don't want, your availability, expectations and boundaries. You get out of this what you put in. If you don't know what you seek in a lover by entering an ideal partner, then how are we supposed to know if we are a fit? We don't have much time. Sifting through the bullshit is tedious and off putting. If hou seek a loving partner say so. If you seek wild sex then say so. I find that A LOT of men attract the loons because they pretend that they are seeking something they are not. I can usually spot it a me off and you men wonder why you don't get what you

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ExoticOrchid - 26 Feb, 2023 - 08:06PM

C104302 - 07:21PM

I would never be so rude as to mention grammar or spelling to anybody but I would definitely notice, especially if they are claiming to have a Masters or a PhD!

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Christian104302 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 07:21PM

Be honest, or as honest as you can be, i have been pulled up on my grammar before, really?

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ExoticOrchid - 26 Feb, 2023 - 07:15PM

There are quite a few male profiles which are barely literate yet they say they have Masters or PhD ... 🤷🏻‍♀️

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rodstripe - 26 Feb, 2023 - 06:47PM

I like to see:
Love dogs, left field, independent thought
Humour / wit
Intelligence (innuendo)
Direction (know what they want)
Follow through (know how to execute)

What I struggle with is:
Grammar / Spelling (profile says they have a PhD)
Overtly sexualized profile pictures (profile says they are "average")
Anyone who mentions they like wine or candles

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1494077 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 04:46PM

FluffyClouds - 26 Feb, 2023 - 04:12PM
Trying to look on the calendar to see what’s available 😂😂

And for women not yet in that stage of their lives, it is around one unavailable week every month.

I am extremely flexible for the right guy. On a fixed schedule for others 😂

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1581027 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 04:35PM

I'm acutely aware that behind a poorly written profile could be a dyslexic person or maybe someone who may not have gone beyond secondary education.

As long as someone has put effort into actually writing as opposed to auto generated then I'm open minded. That said as a male I'm aware of the need to try and stick out on some way but usually I do that via a message subject title.

FluffyClouds - 26 Feb, 2023 - 04:12PM

LG -

I think the best one I had was:

Couldn't meet in term time
Couldn't meet at weekends
Outside term time had to fit around the family, kids AND dog walks
Two hours maximum


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Redfirefox - 26 Feb, 2023 - 02:44PM

@Tall guy
I think someone’s profile specifically states that they want a regular ie partner that can go on dates, trips etc and that’s bordering on companionship then yes, either state you’re availability or avoid those people altogether.

I personally make it very clear to folks that I’m available sporadically. Day time only. Occasionally wkend. Only for up to 2-5 hours max. Certainly not every week.
It’s not a friend companion I want, I have that at home. If that’s not good enough find someone else , as well as , or instead of me. I find this less time wasting.

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