Profile Suggestions?
Tips or ways to improve your profile? What makes a profile stand out from the crowd? How personal should you get and what should you include or leave out?
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Comments (194)
1447655 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 02:16PM
Yeah..."Never on a weekend, never on an evening, 2-3 hours only, midweek, squeezed in-between meetings, and delivered to my door, like a take take away pizza, every 6-8 weeks." Might be a bit too specific and off-putting.
Bloody useful in separating the wheat from the chaff though...
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1408586 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 01:56PM
Agree with TBH. It will likely put some off before they’ve spoken to you if your schedule doesn’t match theirs. But if it’s a dealbreaker why not?
I tried to keep mine a bit vague on details as I can be flexible for the right guy (ha!)
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1582254 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 01:55PM
Thanks @ TheBoredHousewife for the feedback.
The prompt for the question came from several recent contacts, where the ladies wanted a commitment in terms of frequency of meeting up e.g. every week.
I feel like life is too busy to be able to commit to something that regular, but maybe I'm out of touch.
Go with the flow... Good attitude in life...😁
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1494077 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 01:46PM
TallguyUK78 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 01:31PM
You could, if you are on an absolute fixed schedule. I think many people go with the flow, so this kind of information is purely academic.
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1582254 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 01:31PM
Afternoon all.
Should guys indicate their meet up frequency preference in a profile? Is this too transactional/ cold? Does it scare away engagement or is it a good time saver for everyone?
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1579641 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 01:20PM
Thank you for your advice redfirefox
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Redfirefox - 26 Feb, 2023 - 01:03PM
Of course women search men’s profiles to find a match. What a ridiculous thing to say. That’s like saying a woman must be gay if she doesn’t fancy you.
Instead of projecting your failure onto others then yes , please do reassess your very short profile content. As nice as you may well be, it needs improvement.
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Delicious Chaos - 26 Feb, 2023 - 12:42PM
Hahaha that’s the most understated message, I’m sure most men on here wouldn’t mind if their ie was bi 😁
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1408586 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 12:39PM
That’s because you’re a man 🙄😂
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Runner6969 - 26 Feb, 2023 - 12:34PM
@Intoxicate your mind:
I have no problem with a woman being bi.
Stating that they are bi, bi-curious, or straight on their profile wouldn’t add, or subtract anything for me.
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