First date?
What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.
Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?
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Comments (233)
1529050 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 08:18PM
Paula99 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 07:06PM
Can’t beat that afternoon delight 😊
1529050 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 08:17PM
EmnEm123 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 04:34PM
Maybe that wasn’t clear .. I’ll book off work for an afternoon - my job is very flexible so easy to make up time
I find it very hard to be out of an evening
I don’t find afternoons a rush …. We normally meet for a drink in the bar - then lock ourselves away …. Then have a drink or early dinner - and home a a respectable time
I find it relaxing and decadent - def not tine limited … I’d find meeting of an evening more time restricting as I could not come rolling in the early hours … as you say each to their own - and I know what works for me
Paula99 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 07:06PM
It would be nice to work from home...but I do get to finished at I could get a few hours in a hotel for some afternoon delight...😊
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Woodsterpete - 22 Aug, 2022 - 06:50PM
I'm assuming you're talking about the popping of the champagne's cork?? 😇
Woodsterpete - 22 Aug, 2022 - 06:47PM
I'm not too sure what the carbon footprint of champagne is. But I think this is starting to turn into a carbon dating website 😉
FluffyClouds - 22 Aug, 2022 - 05:13PM
Woodsterpete -
Just be careful of the direction you pop the cork , someone could have a nasty accident 🤪
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1541744 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 04:38PM
Sorry. I meant to add I work for myself and can and do pop out for a "bit" to do things during the day.
Thankfully my wife is amazing and we work out meets between us so that one of us is around for the kids.
1541744 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 04:35PM
I know that Afternoon tea sounds old fashioned but it conjours images to me of a slightly easier age where things weren't so rushed and allowing you to take time to meet each other properly. Grabbing a coffee has a different meaning to me as it implies that you are far to busy to do things properly . (this might just be me and my childhood reading matter).
I apologize wholeheartedly to the OP for Portugal. Too little sleep/too much coffee and I keep on thinking of Cilla Blacks Bind date program from years ago. Is it possible to go back and edit your previous comments.
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EmnEm123 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 04:34PM
I just don't get it, how can your work think you are working when you're not.
If that's what's happening, fair enough.
Even if I could meet during the day, to me it seems so unsatisfactory and completely time limited.
But, to each their own!
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1529050 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 04:25PM
EmnEm123 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 03:58PM
I work full time - but have a pretty flexible job so I tend to take an off afternoon here and there to meet up. Work think I am at home - Home thinks I am at work
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