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First date?

What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.

Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?

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Comments (233)

EmnEm123 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 04:20PM


What is the carbon footprint of a bottle of champagne?!πŸ€”

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Woodsterpete - 22 Aug, 2022 - 04:12PM

Hi Dotty Green.

Didn't a certain physicist say "Time is relative" or something along those lines? Also, with all this global warming going on, aren't we only supposed to be taking 3 minute showers? Plenty of time to drink a bottle of champagne πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡

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EmnEm123 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 03:58PM


Even though I am a woman, fifty years of age, afternoon tea sounds so old.

I presume the OP was asking a serious question so the comment about Portugal was rather out there, joking or not. Anyone could suggest any wild theory!

As discussed on previous forums, how does this work?

Are there so many people on here who don't work, who can meet during the day?

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1541744 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 03:36PM

I am not sure if you mean the first time you meet or the first time you "go out"

I am quite keen on daylight meetings where we can stroll in a park and chat before "afternoon tea" with cake and such for a getting to know you meeting. A not too busy but enough people around for security sort of park.
It gives you a chance to go "Oh My God He's an Ugly Person!" and run away (though say it quietly to yourself where I cannot hear it please).

As for the date where you want to get each others heart rate up then there is a 20mile downhill track in the Portugal somewhere where they drive you and your bike to the top and you just have the fun bit of getting back down.
This gets the heart rate going and covers you in dust so you simply have to go back to the pool in the villa and shower and soak in the hot tub, drink a glass or two of the local wine and see where it goes too.

Not everybody's cup of tea I know but if you invited me to your villa in portugal
I could be tempted ;-)

1529050 - 22 Aug, 2022 - 03:28PM

Woodsterpete - 22 Aug, 2022 - 02:49PM

that made me laugh but seeing as the OP has such a busy time at work and with life, how will they fit in a shower and champagne ?

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Woodsterpete - 22 Aug, 2022 - 02:49PM

In the shower with a bottle of champagne πŸΎπŸ˜‰

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Mad World - 22 Aug, 2022 - 12:19PM

Go Karting and/or 10 Pin Bowling

The former helps you realise if the date will be.a car crash (or not) the latter is as good as any to predict if you will Strike (or not)

Good luck

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thermoschilling69 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 11:50PM

First date has to be a drink, if it seems good time will run away, if it's not for you it's easy make excuses and leave
2nd date a meal makes more sense

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cenotaph - 20 Aug, 2022 - 11:25PM

Completely depends on the dynamic

Could be a coffee and walk
little lunchtime park picnic
a drink in a quiet place
open the door in a nice outfit - for both sexes

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1504550 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 10:20PM

I ll go with a bar:)

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