First date?
What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.
Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?
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Comments (233)
Marty5555 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 10:18PM
If its right and you click you could be between the sheets or just as easily walk on bye.
We are all here for interaction.
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Lonelyromantic - 20 Aug, 2022 - 06:41PM
I think a drink in a quiet place is a good start. You know in the first few minutes if you’re both ongoing to click or not. If you click, move on to dinner
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1536362 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 04:40PM
First obstacle is to get someone here to actually meet! I have no preference, it would be what she felt comfortable with
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leggysheila - 20 Aug, 2022 - 02:32PM
First date 📅 Well I guess it all depends on how far you are thinking of going lets face this is sex site so if the guy was okay and not stupid I might go all the way XXX
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1408586 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 02:16PM
Either a walk or a drink in a hotel bar are my preferences
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Bobb20 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 12:03PM
I was in the sauna at my local gym a few months back and a guy and woman came in. By their chatter, I was pretty convinced it was a date meeting. I left them too it after a short while.
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1494077 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 11:06AM
It could any way you understand it to be. There are all sorts on IE. One just needs to find a match.
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Hardonline - 20 Aug, 2022 - 10:53AM
It maybe cliché to go to a restaurant, but it's a safe environment, for both. It provides time for both of you to gauge the other person. Ask questions, get into discussions. I always enjoy a nice meal, but when it comes to dessert if offered take it, don't steal mine. LoL
1382700 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 10:30AM
I assume ‘vibing’ is a hip term and not something of the electrical variety, which could be a little embarrassing, not to mention noisy, on a first date
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