First date?
What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.
Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?
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Comments (233)
Paula99 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 07:41AM
If work and life is SO are you going to fit in another woman/man?
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EmnEm123 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 11:30PM
Absolutely, most of us know what we're here for!
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1542000 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 11:18PM
Nothing wrong with something sexual in the chatter! ! Lol after all, we are here for some spice and life in our intimate lives again.
I can be a little filthy (in a good way with my chat - I’ve been told!)
EmnEm123 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 10:54PM
That's funny, I agree but it seems to be a trap that we fall into these days.
What do you do, where are you from, what are you into? (Sometimes sexually)
I suppose it's different after you've met someone you've been speaking to online, it's more nerve wracking and somehow less natural.
Those sort of questions would be reasonable if you were to meet someone on an evening out.(Except the sexual ones, most wouldn't dare)
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EmnEm123 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 10:29PM
If the OPs Work and Life is just SO busy it's irrelevant.
If he is just looking for a hook up, he should state that on his profile, nothing wrong with it.
It's wrong to pretend otherwise, however if you don't have time for a get to know you meet, I would question the quality of said 'hook up'!
1542000 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 10:12PM
Something that allows you to have small talk without asking silly series of interview like questions (and you feel you’re not looking over your shoulder).
1516601 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 08:47PM
Somewhere you can both relax without the worry of seeing someone you know
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Paula99 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 08:41PM
Why would you go on a first date to a gym?
The idea is to relax and get to know each other not see how many sets you can do....
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1294092 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 05:55PM
First dates have included....
Walk in the park
Walk along the beach
Meet in car park
Going for coffee
Going for dinner
Meet over lunch
Going to a gig
Ultimately it is something you both need to agree on and be comfortable with. Maybe I've been fortunate as most of the "discreet" talk is out of the way before physically meeting for the first time. I like to keep the first date as relaxed and normal as possible.
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