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Distance & IEs

How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive messages from men who live in other parts of the country but travel with work to my area. Personally, it makes me feel like they're looking for a hook up in every port they travel to. Is it better that they live in your county or the next? Can an affair be better and more fulfilling the nearer the person lives?

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Comments (168)

Paula99 - 23 Mar, 2023 - 03:17PM

For all the newbies in here …try the distance IE and let us know how it worked/didn’t work for you..
It might be interesting if you tell us what profession he/she has and if they travelled for work or they were willing to travel/whether you met half way..how long did it last./not last as the case maybe..

I know what works for me and I have had a couple of successful affairs to boot ..

Enlighten us ‘old hats ‘ 🎩 😊😊😊

1551398 - 23 Mar, 2023 - 01:30PM

I have travelled to Oxford for my meets. That’s 2 hours for me.

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1529050 - 23 Mar, 2023 - 10:40AM

Quixotic - 23 Mar, 2023 - 10:16AM

Heathrow - we had met in town for the first couple of meets then due to his work it ended up being Heathrow - it turned out to be very Meh .....

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1408586 - 23 Mar, 2023 - 10:27AM

I had a one off with a guy who travelled about 200 miles to meet me off here quixotic

If he’d been closer to me we might have developed into something more, but at that distance not possible

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Romeo_Abz - 23 Mar, 2023 - 10:23AM

See for me I'll be willing to travel as I'm finding it very difficult to find anyone near by so maybe they are in the same position as myself? Also why not meet for a coffee or something and see how it goes from there.
Might be able to connect from the very first moment.

1588499 - 23 Mar, 2023 - 10:16AM

What's the *farthest* anyone has gone to meet up?

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Old Sapper - 23 Mar, 2023 - 09:57AM

If it's for a regular IE, then not that close that we're likely to meet people we know, yet not too far away as to make meeting up awkward.

Enigma.. - 22 Mar, 2023 - 07:05AM

Where I live there are very few active male members.
I usually find myself travelling to Glasgow, by train, which is only about 45mins time wise, for meets.
As for those that can only meet up once a month or longer.
Bye bye.
I’m looking for something more regular 😉😃

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Enigma.. - 22 Mar, 2023 - 07:01AM

I was communicating with a man who worked in Glasgow during the week but lived in London on weekends.
It got as far as arranging to meet up when…
A friend of mine, who lives in Glasgow and was on the site last year, phoned me to say that she had met her next Ie.
Do tell… said I.
Turns out it was the same man.
Apparently he had women in both London and Glasgow.
Needless to say we both blocked him.
After that I have avoided anyone who travels a great distance for work.
If that puts a lot of men out of the running… so be it.

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1588157 - 22 Mar, 2023 - 01:43AM

The local thing is ok as long as its not too local. I wouldnt want to bump into anyone either of us know whilst out and about

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