Distance & IEs
How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive messages from men who live in other parts of the country but travel with work to my area. Personally, it makes me feel like they're looking for a hook up in every port they travel to. Is it better that they live in your county or the next? Can an affair be better and more fulfilling the nearer the person lives?
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Comments (168)
1632457 - 10 Dec, 2023 - 10:12PM
If I make a connection here I'm happy to travel, I think reading the comments you could build a wonderful connection, if the distance is good it would be good.
But then as somebody else said, travelling for 200 miles or more it could create so passionate buzz, you'd have more time to make sure the place was perfect, the little bits of attention to detail were right.
In this day and age, technology allows you to connect like never before, but the in the flesh can take on a whole new meaning.
So personally, either is good - I enjoy time in my car,
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Tiger89 - 10 Dec, 2023 - 10:01PM
I think distance adds excitement, freedom and a layer of discretion. Personally I would love an IE romance bubble - our own world far away/ cut off from life.
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MichaelL39 - 10 Dec, 2023 - 09:27PM
I think if you’re happy having an affair with someone you shouldnt judge them for having more than one affair or a girl in every port.
Like to meet Pollymay
But her location is Town so I don’t know which town that is ?
1626541 - 10 Dec, 2023 - 06:11PM
thats not greedy!
but i guess if you had an amazing chat and connection and meet and they were miles away...well..thats been my journey..but like i said before..i cast the net wider only to find a person 4 miles away...anyway i shouldn't be on the forums..though maybe i can be now, there is no need to do the searching is there x
LadyDe - 10 Dec, 2023 - 05:24PM
For me personally I’m greedy.. I meet my IE once a wk.. I don’t want more but I don’t want less … for me I would say no more than 40mins in a car or train to London is fine
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1637462 - 10 Dec, 2023 - 03:08PM
Distance doesn’t bother me, in fact I think it it can help to demonstrate commitment.
I jumped on a train to Swindon for a lunch date earlier this year. Worked on the way down and back so it was a productive day.
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1626541 - 10 Dec, 2023 - 02:09PM
For what it's worth: i am conflicted...I have had both experiences, though admittedly nothing lasting a very long time..but that was not so much proximity nor distance but other reasons. I do think it's a different experience meeting a person miles away. But i found myself more relaxed when away and it was easier to have that excuse..conference, work meet, 'me time'...but it does mean the chance to just meet quickly for a brief afternoon is missed.
I hear some on the thread who are disappointed about distance and travel, but i guess you make IE what you make it. Looking back at the 24 years of marriage I got to IE because it was time to live again but stay married. I realised that even 12 quality meets in a year is better than nothing. However, as I say, each to their own
Having said that I have now embarked on something quite remarkable with a person who lives locally!
MrSurfer - 08 Oct, 2023 - 08:52PM
Surfing is a sport that's very weather dependant, so when conditions are good, it's not unusual for me to get up early and head off for Cornwall, Devon or Wales for a day and a night at quite short notice. I have a "stealth" camper so I can stay at the beach for free (if you google "boot jump" you'll know what I mean)
It means I'm free to travel spontaniously, without suspicion.
That being said, my matchfinder is set quite local for now
Paula99 - 30 Sep, 2023 - 09:42PM
Have you been in a distance affair before ?
Does it not depend on the how ?
1575033 - 29 Sep, 2023 - 09:04PM
Simply...Yes, butdepends what you want.
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