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It is all going well until……

They come up with stories that are simply too good to be true. What are some of the most outlandish tales that we have been told, either to get us to agree to a meet, or as an excuse to part ways?

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Comments (175)

Bobby224 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 06:52PM

Haha well I know where I am going wrong on this site!! Such very very strong feelings about email! With all of you making comments too about fake profiles! To me it’s a way of missing those profiles!

1447655 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 06:01PM

Culture Lover....

God I so want to ask what subject you are marking!!!!!

Paula99 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 05:06PM


Make your profile short ..sharp and straight to the point ..it’s no fun reading an essay and believe me when I say we only get half way through..
It’s also the way you deliver a profile .. you can evoke the wrong reactions and sound like a right idiot..
Don’t have too many expectations and noone wants to read a shopping list of ‘ must be’s’ aka 6 ft .. ripped and worships the gym.. always have currant images and if you don’t want to put your correct age add/decrease by 5 years no more …have a list of interests that you can converse about ..think about the logistics of your distances ..if you can get out to see another woman and if you really want an affair or just a ONS..

One more thing …we prefer not to hear about your wives/partners.. your string of ONS..your endless drivel about ‘how good you are at your job..

Hope this helps and goodluck 😁

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Culture Lover - 17 Jul, 2023 - 04:59PM

Paula99 - I'm too nice to do that. But I did report her and blocked her. I've also been blocked because I didn't want to chat IMMEDIATELY (it was because I was working marking GCSE papers and we have deadlines).

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Funguy77 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 04:19PM

Thank you for the pointers . Very helpful x

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1408586 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 04:02PM

If you’re having chats it’s not you/your profile I’d say. If they’re cancelling pre meet they’re either getting other offers or they were never serious about meeting.

Your profile seems good fwiw. My only comments would be do a spell check (thanks autocorrect!!) as lots are very specific about SPAG- is that the term. I’d also change women to woman and take out the no drama comment if I were you!

Good luck 😉

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Funguy77 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 03:58PM

I actually had a cancellation today saying family problems
And this was just a meet for coffee to say hello in person

Funguy77 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 03:53PM

Ladies what’s a guy to do ?

There’s lots of chat on here but I seem to be having lots of no shows.

So the question is Is it me

Thoughts please

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1529050 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 03:50PM

Beckysharp - 17 Jul, 2023 - 12:13PM

Taught you well xx]

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Paula99 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 03:25PM

If you come across those people that want to to ‘divert ‘ to another place /email …a good ole fuck right off works 😬

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