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It is all going well until……

They come up with stories that are simply too good to be true. What are some of the most outlandish tales that we have been told, either to get us to agree to a meet, or as an excuse to part ways?

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Comments (175)

Culture Lover - 17 Jul, 2023 - 02:31PM

I've had a few chat with me in a quite a friendly way then they say suddenly, "Can we continue this chat via email?" Why? Usually it seems a way of ending contact. Like Aces87 said better to just be honest and say 'I've met someone' or' I don't think we're a match' - something like that.

Toffee.macchiato4 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 12:44PM

Am terribly sorry to hear that someone ghosted you. Believe me when I say it’s not you it’s them.
Honour integrity are important traits in a partner you would want and they have shown themselves to have none.
Something tells me you’re better off.
Remind yourself how great you are and how far or hard you’ve worked in your life.
This individual does not validate you at all and you are fucking worth so much more.
Hope this helps you smile 😊

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1408586 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 12:13PM

Aces87 I know it’s easy in retrospect but if someone is being full on without having met you (?) that would make me a bit suspicious these days. You never know what’s real until you’ve actually met irl.

Some people are fake, some people just want pics, some want to sext without meeting and some enjoy the chase then move on.

The best way to avoid these types is never send sexy pics or sext before meeting and meet as early as possible for a drink.

See I’m learning Dotty!!

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Aces87 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 11:17AM

Honestly I’ve had someone ghost me literally today! I’m sure some people just get kicks out of hurting others!

I would much rather someone said my situation has changed/ I’m not feeling it rather than just completely ghost me and block me?!

I’ve had to tell numerous people they weren’t my cup of tea, you can still be nice about it.

But going from then being full on to suddenly ghosting and blocking you is just so shitty!

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Bobby224 - 16 Jul, 2023 - 08:31AM

I totally agree with careless. If a picture is so important to one person then do the exchange early and just be polite if they are not for you. We are all adults looking for something extra. We are all in the same boat so there is absolutely no reason to ghost or take offence if you are not the right fit for someone else. It’s very simple. Just a polit no is all it takes! I had a very quick no a couple weeks aga and the lady was very polite and even wished me lusk on my latest bet on not to take my life and myself to seriously! I thought it was very considerate and I was not offended in the slightest!

Let’s just be adults about all this!

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Careless whisper - 15 Jul, 2023 - 11:24PM

Do the password thing early on.. then a polite ..not my type is all that’s needed.

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Paula99 - 15 Jul, 2023 - 12:20PM

I haven’t ‘ghosted’ anyone as far as I can remember..I do tend to give a straight answer as we can’t all be attracted to everyone…

I have discovered that some like a straight answer but most get offended by this..

As much as we think we have it sussed there will always be the exception.😁

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1408586 - 15 Jul, 2023 - 08:35AM

If I have asked for a pw I do always reply either way though. But I tend to establish a rapport before that stage.

1408586 - 15 Jul, 2023 - 08:28AM

I kind of agree pickyandmore

I wouldn’t consider something ghosting unless we were in some kind of ‘relationship’

But I reply less and less these days as I’ve had such bad experiences with men being rude or aggressive or accusing me of being fake. Even if I just send a polite thanks but no thanks.

It does make you realise you’ve had a lucky escape when they are though. Revealing their true colours

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1494077 - 15 Jul, 2023 - 08:07AM

I tend not to ghost, unless they are particularly obnoxious. I think both parties are guilty in fuelling the ghosting behaviour. We all start out nice and innocent. In time however, due to knock backs or how others treat us, perhaps some of that rubs off. Unfortunately like begets like 🙄

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