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What do we really disclose?

Meeting a new person is always exciting. However most of us are meeting illicitly. What are your boundaries when disclosing personal details? Do we reveal our full names, places of work, give details about our family? What type of information are you willing to share? How much is too much?

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Comments (59)

Delicious Chaos - 09 Oct, 2023 - 04:11PM

I remember back in the early days a guy giving me his business car. I thought it odd but he said well at least you know I’m not a weirdo who is going to attack you.
Ok then!

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Geminigeordie - 09 Oct, 2023 - 02:59PM

It’s all about implied trust

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Purple dreamer - 09 Oct, 2023 - 02:45PM

I think on a first meet it is just general information

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dem112 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 02:21PM

I guess most from here would be singing from the same sheet and once they get to know one another, more will come out, in my case if I told them about my company it wouldn't be hard to find lots out about me, its all about trust at the end of the day

Jasper1769 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 01:24PM

It’s all about being transparent without increasing any risk to either party we are all here searching for someone to connect with for whatever reason. There are many people on here from both sides that just want to start a chat see it’s not going anywhere and then block rather that being adult and saying’this isn’t for me’ honest in an unhonest world is better.. transparent, tell the truth about a situation and spent time getting to know someone.. instant gratification rarely comes from one word answers.. meet in public, be safe, and be adult about it!

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Highlandguy777 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 11:49AM

I would get to know them a bit before meeting eg.first name,hobbies/interests and chat about different things over a period of time to see if there was something there first.Then if you start meeting regularly then slowly give away as much as you feel comfortable with.

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Paula99 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 11:12AM

I am a private person and I only give away what is needed ..as the relationship develops then you naturally give away little snippets about yourself and your life..but it may take a long period of time …
If I was in a short term affair then sadly you would never know me …

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1529050 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 11:02AM

I think most people will not give much away until you feel you are getting serious about each other.

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1614937 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 11:02AM

Not so long ago, I couldn't get IE on my phone unless I was connected to WiFi (but this seems to have changed recently). This meant that it was impossible to contact someone when I was "on the road" or camping. We opted for Snapchat which can be anonymous and untraceable unlike email, WhatsApp, Google Chat, etc.. We swapped first names and, only on the day before the meet did I give her my phone number "in case of emergencies". I had a two hour journey to the meeting place she chose and I think she had a short trip across town. We'd been chatting most days for over a month so there was a significant amount of trust already (and she didn't turn out to be Bill the Builder from Bolton!). Having been caught by a blackmailing scammer from a different site, I'm fairly careful about my personal details and that's why I lied about my date of birth on here. 😉

boav91 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 10:54AM

Initially you share what is needed with some boundaries but that changes as the connection grows to the point you have nothing to hide. I agree Becky if you get to the intimate stages you really want to feel you know them but there are narcissistic people out there who are not interested in the other person and it is about what they can get and are playing games. This is both men and women by the way. I have had a few women contact me looking for a sugar daddy and I am not interested in that.

IT comes down to two way trust in the end but initially having boundaries is wise IMO

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