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What do we really disclose?

Meeting a new person is always exciting. However most of us are meeting illicitly. What are your boundaries when disclosing personal details? Do we reveal our full names, places of work, give details about our family? What type of information are you willing to share? How much is too much?

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Comments (70)

boav91 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 10:54AM

Initially you share what is needed with some boundaries but that changes as the connection grows to the point you have nothing to hide. I agree Becky if you get to the intimate stages you really want to feel you know them but there are narcissistic people out there who are not interested in the other person and it is about what they can get and are playing games. This is both men and women by the way. I have had a few women contact me looking for a sugar daddy and I am not interested in that.

IT comes down to two way trust in the end but initially having boundaries is wise IMO

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1408586 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 10:09AM

I agree legs&eyes. Once I meet someone (never before) I expect transparency on both sides. I’d feel someone didn’t trust me otherwise. And if there is no trust we shouldn’t be sleeping together! Also agree with the cold/anonymous feelings.

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Legs&Eyes - 09 Oct, 2023 - 10:04AM

I like to be transparent, it helps build the trust and lets face it single girls are judged in this situation.. so for me, it helps with that.... but on the flip side I need to trust them too....
Its a 2 way street....it just doesnt work for me personally if I approach it in a cold/anonymous way, would be too much like 'sex with strangers' when I do that (in my head) but all in good time and when appropriate to disclose...I think each situation different

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MrSurfer - 09 Oct, 2023 - 10:02AM

First name, profession and then only personal stuff like hobbies, interests, taste in music/food.
I'd answer basic questions about family/work but do think an IE should be an escape from all of that.

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ClassyLady77 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:38AM

I believe in honesty with a affair partner and I expect same in return.. I don’t give out my phone number to second date.. I don’t discuss full name & family etc until second date too..

RULucky., I demand nothing less.. 😂

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1622643 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:34AM

First name basis is ok xx

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Lusty40 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:21AM

I like to get to know someone a wee bit before meeting. Better sex when there’s a connection. I will listen if his family etc comes into conversation. But I’m not needing to know that. But I do like to know a name that o will be calling out if we do get physical 🤣

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RULucky - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:09AM

On the first date I bring my driving licence, passport and a recent gas bill, then let them know my mothers maiden name.... I've got nothing to hide..

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imyali76 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 08:55AM

Once a trust is built then details can be shared , I'm sure both parties will feel reluctant to share all the details on the first date

WhatsNewPussycat23 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 08:53AM

It's that fine line between trying to remain discreet, but also not putting off your potential partner by not giving anything away.

I tend to share more. By being disarming, it hopefully shows that I'm genuine.

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