What is this elusive 'connection' everyone is looking for? Someone I chatted to, just on messages, seemed to believe we had a 'connection' because we were messaging! Connection for me is something only found in its real sense on meeting.
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Comments (68)
1326897 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 05:15PM
L and E
I’m dumb. Either that or IE won’t let men to switch between men and women !!
Legs&Eyes - 07 Nov, 2023 - 03:57PM
Davidingles - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:47PM
No, I'm sure you don't ordinarily, but just wanted you to be aware the research can be conducted as such if you so wished, lol....
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1326897 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:47PM
I did not know that. Not sure I want to check men out but thank you
Paula99 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:41PM
I do try not to play the gender card….both sexes are guilty …😕
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Legs&Eyes - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:28PM
Davidingles - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:06PM
You can see any male profile you wish to see. You just search for it / change your criteria OR type their user name in the search.
And of course the profiles arent 'deleted' they are still there.. yes.
BUT I get a lot of 'online' contact, I get hardly any 'hidden profile' contact, so hence if I'm wanting to be a bit more shaded 'from the noise' - then its a good way to do it. And it certainly doesnt mean I'm playing games - in fact, its completely the opposite!
1326897 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:27PM
Hi. Or indeed as I am sure you meant to also say :
he must be getting it on with other girls’ …
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Paula99 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:21PM
Having a ‘hidden profile’ can mean several things …..if you are naturally suspicious then the first conclusion will be ‘she must be getting it on with other guys’ …
IE has its own fair share of nuts …desperados…fake profiles…ghosts …undead …penpals…jilly cooper wannabes…profile avioidance…picture hunters..and general pests’s like one guy used to say ….’ You can’t make this stuff up ‘😁
My profile was hidden for weeks as I kept getting the same guys that had previously messaged and I had replied with a polite message ….
Having a hidden profile means the genuine guys that do read my profile get noticed…..
Happy hunting …😁
1326897 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:08PM
Oh and it does not prevent contact. I had a brief affair with a woman whose profile was Hidden Before, during and after our relationship
1326897 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 02:06PM
One of the points I was trying to make is that Hidden Profiles are not actually hidden hence it’s obvious when a woman is on line regardless.
I am sure men do the same but of course I cannot see their profiles. I meant no offence.
But ladies. 40%?? Something’s going on.
Legs&Eyes - 07 Nov, 2023 - 12:00PM
Davidingles - 07 Nov, 2023 - 11:10AM
To reiterate what Exotic said...
because I'm very loyal in conversations, I often hide my profile whilst I'm establishing a connection and to stay loyal to one regular chat.... interestingly whilst remaining hidden for a whole week last week, the guy was on here every day wide openly searching - despite telling me he was 'chatting to no-one else'. Haha..... yeah, of course!
Its bulls**t.
A lot of guys here operate like boys in a sweet shop....
And a lot of ladies here are not, as you believe, playing the field.
There is good and bad on BOTH sides my friend!
NB - I'm no longer hidden!
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