What are the best chat up lines?
I'm new here and I'm torn between sending a catchy chat up line or something a bit more personal. Any advice which works best?
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Comments (67)
1697270 - 11 Oct, 2024 - 10:38PM
I’d try mixing it up a little depending on the profile in question.
However, as @Tstopman says, you could craft the most beautiful, personal and succinct response, clearly tailored to that profile and be lucky to get a reply. I’ve definitely found since my last IE that there’s a serious lack of women on here, let alone genuine ones since my last IE that will actually reply.
Tstopman - 09 Oct, 2024 - 12:11PM
First rule should always be, if you wouldn’t walk up to a woman in a bar and say it to her face don’t say it on here.
I would also like to ask why so many women don’t respond to messages. If someone has clearly read your profile, they are in your preferred age range/locality has made an effort with an original message as so many say they want and meets your physical/interests criteria, do you not bother to reply or are you all bots designed to garner subscriptions?
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Enigma.. - 02 Oct, 2024 - 09:06AM
Part two…
F) He’s sent the wrong message to the wrong woman who immediately cottons onto the fact that the message wasn’t meant for her.
Instant block 🙄👋🏻🤷🏼♀️.
Enigma.. - 02 Oct, 2024 - 08:54AM
I agree your profile is good.
Well thought out and certainly makes a refreshing change from those awful auto generated, short, boastful etc..l male profiles.
But perhaps you could consider lowering your lower age limit to… say 60?
This may introduce you to some other female members 😉😊.
You are wrong about females on this site being “bombarded” with messages… chance would be a fine thing lol 😆.
Chances are that any male member is not getting a response because…
A) He hasn’t read her profile properly and sent a message that has left her thinking 🤔. What is he talking about!!
B) He is out with reasonable travelling distance.
C) He is out with her age limits.
D) His profile did not appeal to her.
E) He sent a VK or a gift which give, I should imagine, most female members the “Ick”. Instant delete.
Here’s the biggy…
F) He’s sent the wrong message to the wrong female member who immediately cottons onto the fact that the message was n
Paula99 - 02 Oct, 2024 - 05:22AM
For those men in their early 50.s the mortality rate for sperm is reduced by 54% than a guy aged 30 - 40..factor in stress levels..work and general health …for most it would be an immaculate conception 😁😁😁
1708136 - 01 Oct, 2024 - 11:08PM
I know the feeling ☹️
Just because - 01 Oct, 2024 - 09:57PM
Just be normal
Send normal messages
Like you would talk to a lady normally
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Blessed3127 - 01 Oct, 2024 - 07:59PM
Please don’t ask me if it is ok that you have not had a vasectomy within 5 minutes of chatting which one charmer did !
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EmnEm123 - 01 Oct, 2024 - 02:25PM
I just had a look at your profile and thought it was good.
As From Ross said, this can be a long game, don't get disheartened.
Also, be aware that there really isn't that many members to choose from, so it's probably not anything specific that you're doing wrong.
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1704344 - 30 Sep, 2024 - 10:42PM
Don’t worry, don’t let it get to you. Women here get bombarded by lots of messages, so all they can do sometimes is not to reply to keep things sane for them.
Advice:be yourself. Try and use a subject line that will attract attention, don’t expect replies (just be pleasantly surprised when they do happen!). And have patience, this is a long game and you can spend quite some time finding someone suitable.
Good luck!
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