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All good things...

All good things... come to an end. For the men and women who have had an affair, how long did it go on for? Why did it end? What would you do differently for your next affair?

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Comments (48)

Raven R - 11 Jan, 2025 - 02:10PM

I’m quite new to all this. I was chatting to a lovely man for about two weeks when we met for coffee. We clicked straight away. Lots of laughs and good conversation. There was an obvious attraction the first time we lay eyes on each other.
Before we departed we had some really nice kisses.
We agreed we definitely want to get together soon. Since we departed he very rarely even messaged me anymore. It went from several a day down to one or two and even those texts seemed very flat.
So what did I do wrong ? He told me I’m overthinking it but there has definitely been a shift.
Comments or advice please.

Clickable Connection - 10 Jan, 2025 - 11:36PM

Peaches1 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 11:14PM

Such a shame , especially as it seemed you had an amazing time while it lasted. It's a shame he chose that route than potentially having a friend .

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Here we go 693 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 11:35PM


Harsh to have blocked you. I don't know why people do it. I consider myself so lucky that my affair partner and I have recognised the strong connection and remained friends.
I have been blocked/ghosted before and it leaves so many unanswered questions. Why not just man (or woman) up and say it's not going anywhere??!!

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Peaches1 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 11:14PM

Lasted for almost 2 years. Cared for him alot and ended abruptly due to lots of circumstances. Would rather of stayed friends but like a child he blocked me. Why cant adults just be adults instead of ghosting and blocking?

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Here we go 693 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 09:09PM

Lust for adventure

Sounds like you struck gold twice. Here's hoping the same happens here. I also know the feeling of grief you mention. It's a tough one, but the memories of magical times makes it worth it.

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Lust for adventure - 10 Jan, 2025 - 05:50PM

I’ve had two FANTASTIC affairs from this site. First one lasted 2.5 years and the second one lasted 4 years and we met at least once a week and often twice (second affair). We did day time meets, overnights, and even mini breaks abroad. First Lady left her husband after 18 months and her being single made us finite. I didn’t think lightning could strike in the sane place twice but it did and exactly the same thing happened again with the second one. We endured her being single and dating for about 18 months and the inevitable happened. Leaves a BIG hole in your life when they’re gone….. that’s why I’m back!!

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Clickable Connection - 10 Jan, 2025 - 05:50PM

Ladies - ghosting is not right, I won't argue with you there. However let's not make this a gender thing - the ladies do this as much as the women ....believe me

I think everyone on here needs to treat each other, how they want to be treated - simple really

Delicious Chaos - 10 Jan, 2025 - 03:16PM


Oh trust me, it’s happening

somethingnew19780 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 02:12PM


It's not just the males,.the women ghost as well. I was having a real laugh with one person for over a week.
Sent a message one morning, nothing. System said she read it.
Sent a polite , good morning a few days later. Didn't want to come across all needy. System said she read it.
And them I'm blocked.

It happens to us all.

I try to be polite and respectful and I'm afraid you don't always get it returned. I would rather someone say " no thanks"
But then I can imagine some people would get shirty and swear at them for wasting their time.

Paula99 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 01:30PM

I am sure lots of women can write their memoirs of IE 🤔

Maybe I should advertise for a ‘ghostwriter’ 😂😂😂

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