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All good things...

All good things... come to an end. For the men and women who have had an affair, how long did it go on for? Why did it end? What would you do differently for your next affair?

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Comments (48)

Delicious Chaos - 10 Jan, 2025 - 12:36PM


Definitely not you, just the nature of the beast.

Just remember they will be keeping their options open so if they go awol it’s either because
A. They have found someone they think is better
B. Life has got in the way
C. They have actually realised having an affair is not for them or they have realised they are not going to be able to get away it.

It’s the ones who ghost after date 2 or 3 that get me. Only to come back with some ridiculous excuse which is totally made up.
I’m sure some people believe their own BS here!

The ones I like the best are the ones who ghost only to return and trust me they will either thinking they can continue where they left it forgotten they had even had a conversation with you.

Message history is a wonderful thing!!

Enigma.. - 10 Jan, 2025 - 11:01AM


That gave me a laugh.
I was going to reply but you might of thought me a total b1tch.
Sarcasm is my default mode lol 😂.


You are not doing or saying anything wrong.
Unfortunately that’s typical male behaviour on this site.
Once you get ghosted you’ll either not hear from them again because they think they have found a better option.
Or they’ll come crawling back with an excuse like work or family crisis 🙄.
Truth is the “better” option didn’t work out 😂.
Best to forget them and move on.
You are better than they are.
Put your sassy pants on 😉 (clicks fingers) 💋

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Clickable Connection - 10 Jan, 2025 - 10:53AM

Blondeshavmorefun - 10 Jan, 2025 - 08:48AM
Like Here we go 693 said , don't let it get you down, and I'm sure it's not you who is doing anything wrong. Ghosting seems to be default way of saying thanks but no thanks - to me it's careless and the people who do it lack the courage to let someone down.

Your profile seems awesome and you seem lovely , so just push on through 😘

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Here we go 693 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 10:37AM


Honestly, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. It's just the way things seem to be here. The same thing has happened to me and I'm sure others on here. Don't let it get you down, I was incredibly lucky with my last affair and we just hit it off straight away.

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Blondeshavmorefun - 10 Jan, 2025 - 08:48AM

It’s actually nice to read that people have progress to an actual affair! I’m not having much luck at all! I chat a few guys who all seem genuine, and like they want similar things to me, we appear to be getting on well then usually after a few chats, they just disappear! No explanation given. Just radio silence! What am I doing wrong?!

Here we go 693 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 08:35AM


Like that is it...

leggysheila - 09 Jan, 2025 - 10:32PM

After he as taken my knickers as a trophy 🏆 x

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Here we go 693 - 09 Jan, 2025 - 10:41AM


Great sentiment, too little kindness and respect around.

Clickable Connection - 09 Jan, 2025 - 09:05AM

HotMess2025 - 08 Jan, 2025 - 10:22PM

Mate , thats so sad. It's great you're able to take the time you had together and treasure it.

I've often thought about how i might feel if my IE passed away. It's not a normal situation, you can't share your grief with their family or friends, attend funeral, help find that closure. In some cases how would you even know they have passed away ? Such a hard one to navigate

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HotMess2025 - 08 Jan, 2025 - 10:22PM

She was cruelly taken by cancer and at such a young age too. We had a fabulous summer together and I'll forever treasure her positivity and spark.

It taught me that life is too short for stupid mind games, so always choose kindness, show respect, and strive to bring out the best in each other

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