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How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have...
I think I’ve just about managed to convince my wife that we should invest in a caravan for...
Finally met my IE after months of online messaging - we have an electric connection and I find...
Passion takes over and before you know it your semi-naked in a car throwing caution to the wind....
You can only choose one of the following in a potential IE, what would it be? A, B or C!
Having an affair changed my life. The woman I started seeing earlier this year trained for...
Stuck on a desert island with your IE - you can bring
I have a massive crush on someone here, but I'm a bit nervous to suggest a date. Been talking...
I've been with my childhood sweetheart for many, many moons. And I never truly played the...
Infidelity is a dirty word? Where does it live though? In the mind or the heart? This site is...
What is the best most unique opening message you have ever received? I have just joined and...
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