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Flirt Forum

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** LIVE NOW ** Distance & IEs

How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive...

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Bodies & Age

Do you believe men have unrealistic expectations on what a woman should look like beyond the age...

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21st century dating

In the 21st century does a persons ethnicity, race, religion or skin colour play an important...

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I'm single and not ready for a full time relationship. Why do people feel the need to judge...

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Red Flags ๐Ÿšฉ

We hear regularly about the 'Red Flags' that turn people off a person in conversation and...

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In it for the thrill

I get a rush from the secrecy of an affair - it's a thrill. Does this happen to anyone else?...

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How Explicit should Private Photos be?

OK, I realise that some people put their pictures as private to protect their identity. That is...

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I find that a work call is the best excuse to use to call my IE, how about you guys?

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Let's Get Physical

Is anyone else here because they no longer have a physical relationship at home? Me and...

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Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your...

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Hot or not?

Right, debate time! Is Nigel Farage now the hottest man on TV? Has he grown on you since his...

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