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** LIVE NOW ** Distance & IEs
How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive...
Hi all I'm new to this and never cheated before. Does it get easier?
I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice...
Is anyone else missing intimacy?
I feel like speaking to people on IE is the...
What is the expectation of the hotel bill for a date with your IE?
Is the male who pays...
I've just joined. Please send me as many tips as possible. I have never...
What's the best way to break the ice?
Any good conversation starters, or have...
How far is reasonable for an IE ,I don't drive but am happy to travel by train for meetings...
You say it best when you say ……
Nothing at all for some. For others, words make or break the loving feeling. What are some of the...
I was chatting with a friend about how we all should come up with a fun, low-key way to signal...
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